Happily Ever After

Category: Adoption Stories, Fall 2016 126 0


Rose Gomez visited San Diego Humane Society when she was looking to adopt a dog, and was drawn to Rodrigo, a lab terrier. But counselors advised that Rodrigo was skittish and not good with children. “I thought, ‘My worst dating experience sounds downright fabulous compared to this little guy,’” Gomez admits. She wanted to give Rodrigo a chance, so she paid the adoption fee and brought him home.

Three years later, Rodrigo is a lot less skittish and is an important part of the family. He’s athletically inclined and loves to cuddle, but has an obsession with dirty socks—a hang-up that Gomez says she doesn’t mind: “Adopting Rodrigo is the best ongoing experience I could have imagined.”

SHARE YOUR STORY: If you have an adoption story you’d like to share, email us at casey@sandiegopetsmagazine.com with a photo of your pet for possible inclusion in a future issue.


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