BY THE NUMBERS: Babies on Board

Category: Animal Lovers, Blog, Spring 2015 158 0

Kitten Baby Shower-EK-032115-Azul169311-EK-32115

March through September is baby season for many animals. Here’s how to count some of San Diego’s youngest creatures.


Number of kittens adopted since San Diego Humane Society’s Kitten Nursery opened in 2009


Number of newborn kittens in the largest litter that arrived with their mother to the Kitten Nursery


Volunteers who work in the Kitten Nursery, providing 10-12 hours per volunteer each month


Foster homes needed to care for kittens in need; the greatest need is for FOSTER FAMILIES WILLING TO BOTTLE-FEED


The number of teeth a puppy has, out of the 42 permanent teeth it will have as an adult


The age in months a dog reaches maturity and can reproduce, with smaller dogs maturing faster than larger breeds



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