Zovargo brings the zoo to you

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The only company of its kind in San Diego County, Zovargo provides unique animal encounters and hands-on experiences for kids of all ages. It’s like a mini zoo on demand, where children get to see animals up close while learning about the importance of conservation.

Birthday parties with special animal guests

11873510_966945746711405_7665753330744874134_nGetting stuck into a routine when making plans for your child’s birthday? While inflatable bounce castles and piñatas are always fun, do something different this year and invite Zovargo along to the party.

Zovargo’s trained conservation educators can bring everything from a colorful panther chameleon to a guinea pig, or even a West African millipede and giant (but friendly!) tarantula. You can select five to seven animals for an educational demonstration, or book a “meet and greet” with one or two animals for a hands-on experience. Zovargo also has themed parties like “Rainforest Rescue” and “Winged Wonders,” or you can customize your own.

DSC00248Giving children the rare opportunity to hold a chameleon or hug a bearded dragon lizard will not only make the party memorable, but they will gain a new connection to and lasting appreciation for animals.

Having Zovargo come to your party starts at $200—nearly the same cost for spending a couple of hours at an arcade—but with better benefits. Children will learn about conservation and the importance of protecting endangered species while they’re having fun.

Animals in schools

11986357_975026789236634_8555340504207180613_nTeachers at both public and private schools in San Diego can work with Zovargo to bring some excitement into the curriculum. Zovargo’s employees have expertise in biology and conservation, and the company provides programs that align with Next Generation Science Standards. Zovargo has also held educational demonstrations at churches, libraries, and state parks, as well as for birding clubs.

Zovargo is licensed and insured for their unique animal encounters.

Contact Zovargo for program bookings or questions:

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