Happy 20th issue, San Diego Pets

Category: Blog, Gary's Column, Summer 2019 66 0

San Diego Pets Magazine has been sharing behavior tips, helpful advice and feel-good stories with animal lovers across the county since 2014.

In the fall of 2014, San Diego Humane Society and San Diego Magazine teamed up to create something special—a resource guide for the local community that helps spread our message of inspiring compassion and provides useful information for pet families and wildlife enthusiasts. The mission was a success, and this summer we’re printing our 20th issue.

The look of San Diego Pets Magazine has evolved over the past five years, and SDHS has gone through some big changes, too. We’ve nearly tripled in size, merged with Project Wildlife and PAWS San Diego, and are now the animal service provider in 12 cities. We’re delighted to be able to share this journey with you through the pages of past issues.

“From pet behavior trainers and wildlife experts to Humane Law Enforcement and volunteers, we have so much talent and information to share with the public that’s a real benefit to everyone who loves animals in our community,” says Managing Editor Casey Dean.

Whether by keeping their own pets healthy, or helping support homeless animals in San Diego, we want readers to take an active interest in the animals among us. “We want San Diego to be the best place in the world to be an animal,” Dean says.



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